Simplified procedure for temporary supply

Chennai: After providing so­me relief to domestic consumers who undertake additional construction in their existing premises, Tamil Nadu Elec­tricity Regu­latory Co­­m­­m­ission (TN­ERC) has proposed an amendment into the Tamil Nadu Electricity Dis­trib­uti­on Code to simp­lify the procedure to avail temporary supply for construction purpose. 
TNERC has proposed the amendm­e­nt in view of a se­p­a­r­ate tariff bei­ng ap­p­l­icable to tempora­ry supply for constr­uction and for other temporary purposes in the recent tariff order.
The applicant who wants tempor­ary supply for the co­­nstruction purp­ose, especially in the case of domestic/ residential buil­dings, might find it difficult to follow the special terms and conditions for effecting temporary supply of electricity specified in regulation 39 of the distribution code, TNERC said in its explanatory statement. 
According to the am­endment, the te­m­porary supply of electricity would be separated into two ca­tegories – one wh­i­­ch is likely to be co­nverted into permanent supply as in the case of building construction and the other being supply purely for temporary purpose, often for glaring illumination. 
If the amendme­nts are accepted, normal procedure to effect supply to regular categories would be followed in case of providing temporary supply for construction pu­r­pose and the consu­mer should be char­ged under temporary supply tariff th­at is Rs 10.50 per unit and a fixed cha­rge of Rs 300 per kilo­wa­tt per month.
However, an undertaking would be obt­ained from the consumer to the effect that temporary supply would be converted into appropriate permanent supply after completion of construction work, it said.  
For the supply purely for temporary purpose, all the normal procedures would be followed besides collecting security deposit eq­u­iv­alent to the current consumption ch­arges for the period of th­re­e bill­ing cycle. TNERC has in­vited co­mments fr­om pu­blic on the proposed amendments by August 2. 

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