PENSION - TCL Memo No.83647/A18/A183/2011-1 dt 14.02.2012


                                                                          SECRETARIAT BRANCH
                                                                                  144, ANNA SALAI,
                                                                                 CHENNAI-600 002. 

Memorandum No.83647 / A18 / A183 / 2011 - 1  dated 14.02.2012.

Sub:   TANGEDCO - Pension - Counting the half of the temporary service rendered as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll for the purpose of pensionary benefits - Clarification - Issued.

Ref:   (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.31 (SB) dated 08.09.2011.


          In the TANGEDCO Proceedings first cited, orders have been issued to count the half of the temporary service (NMR/TCL service) rendered by the employees/Pensioners for the purpose of pensionary benefits with effect from the date of issue of the orders

          2. In para-5 of the said Proceedings, it has been ordered that all the Pension Sanctioning Authorities shall revise the pension only duly counting the half of the service rendered as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll after verifying the evidences furnished by them and forward the same to the CIAO/Audit Branch for authorising the same.

          3. A clarification has been raised by some of the circles in connection with the applicability of the DCRG and Commutation of Pension, while revising the Pension to the officials retired prior to 08.09.2011 duly counting the half of the temporary service rendered by them as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll.

          4. Hence, it is clarified that the employees who have retired prior to 08.09.2011 are eligible only for revision of Pension based on the period of temporary service rendered by them as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll, subject to fulfillment of the conditions specified in the Proceedings cited.

          5. All the Pension Sanctioning Authorities of TANGEDCO are requested to follow the above clarification scrupulously and uniformly without giving any room for complaints in this regard.

          6. The receipt of this Memo. shall be acknowledged.


All Chief Engineers.
The Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
All Superintending Engineers.



All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.
The Residential Audit Officer/Chennai-2.

Copy to:
The Secretary/TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Additional Chief Engineer/Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Office.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch/Chennai-2.
The Under Secretary/Establishment/Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.
All unit Assistant Personnel Officers/Headquarters (5 copies).
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Headquarters/Adm.Branch (5 copies).
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Dev. – for publication in the Bulletin (2 copies).
"A-8" & "A-11" Sections/Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.
Stock file.

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