Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme - Enhancement of financial assistance from Rs.25,000/- to Rs.35,000/- in the case of death of the Pensioners - Adoption of the orders of the Government in TANGEDCO – Orders


TANGEDCO - Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme - Enhancement of financial assistance from Rs.25,000/- to Rs.35,000/- in the case of death of the Pensioners - Adoption of the orders of the Government in TANGEDCO – Orders - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.49   Dated the 5th September, 2012.
                                                                             Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2043.


1. (Per) B.P.(FB) No.21 (SB), dated 26.03.1997.
2. (Per) B.P.(FB) No.74 (SB), dated 30.09.2000.
3. (Per) B.P.(Ch) No.42 (SB), dated 14.02.2002.
4. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.23 (SB) dated 03.08.2011.
5. G.O.Ms.No.184, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 01.06.2012.


          Following the orders of the Government, orders were issued in the Board's Proceedings first read above, introducing the Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme to the pensioners who were retiring after 01.04.1997, and those who were receiving pension as on 31.03.1997, on recovery of Rs.40/- towards the monthly subscription for the said scheme and credited as a separate fund. The fund has been operated after 12 months from the introduction of the scheme. In case of death of a pensioner after making the contribution for one year, a sum of Rs.25,000/- will be paid to the spouse or nominee as the case may be, from the fund. Subsequently, based on the orders of the Government, orders have been issued in the Board's Proceedings second and third read above, enhancing the contribution for the said scheme, from Rs.40/- to Rs.60/- and then from Rs.60/- to Rs.70 respectively. Recently, following the orders of the Government, orders have been issued in TANGEDCO Proceedings fourth read above, that the family of the deceased pensioner is eligible to draw the financial assistance of Rs.25,000/-, if at least one installment of contribution is recovered from the pensioner towards the said scheme.        Now, the Government, in its G.O. fifth read above, have issued orders, enhancing the said financial assistance from Rs.25,000/- to Rs.35,000/- under the Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme in the event of death of the Pensioners, as a special gesture.

          2. Generally, TANGEDCO is following the orders of the Government in respect of pension/pensionary benefits in toto. Certain Pensioners' Associations have also requested to adopt the said G.O. dated 01.06.2012 in TANGEDCO, so as to extend the benefits to the pensioners of TANGEDCO with effect from the date of issue of the Government Order (i.e.01.06.2012). The issue has been examined in detail and it has been decided to adopt the said Government Order in TANGEDCO.

          3. Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that the financial assistance under the    Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme, be enhanced from Rs.25,000/- to Rs.35,000/-, in the event of death of the Pensioners of TANGEDCO.


          4. There shall be no change in the existing rules and regulations governing the sanction of assistance under the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners' Family Security Fund Scheme.

          5. The above orders come into effect from 01.06.2012 (i.e.the date of issue of the Government Order fifth read above).

          6. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.




TANGEDCO – Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme - Financial assistance for treatment availed in Hospitals outside Tamil Nadu - Amendment - Proposal.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.50              Dated the 5th September, 2012.
                                                                                                Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2043.


1. (Per) B.P.(FB) No.11 (SB), dated 06.03.2008.
            2. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.13 (SB), dt.18.12.2010.
            3. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.14 (SB), dt.18.12.2010.
            4. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.15 (SB), dt.18.12.2010.


            The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme was introduced in TANGEDCO (erstwhile TNEB) based on the Tamil Nadu Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme and whenever the Government have made any amendment to the Tamil Nadu Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme, the TANGEDCO also made the amendments to the TNEB Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme, so as to extend the same benefits to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO. Previously, there was no specific guidelines given for taking treatment outside the State of Tamil Nadu. Hence, the pensioners were allowed reimbursement only for the treatments taken within the State of Tamil Nadu. During the year 2008, when a pensioner, who had undergone eye surgery in Aravind Eye Hospital/Pondicherry had represented to reimburse the cost of treatment incurred by him, though the treatment was taken outside the State. The case was placed before the Board for taking a decision. Even though there was no specific orders from the Government, the proposal was approved by the Board and it was resolved that in all such cases, 50% of the cost of treatments may be paid subject to the ceiling. Accordingly, necessary orders were issued in the Board's Proceedings first read above. Subsequently, the Government in G.O.Ms.No.477, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 30.09.2009 have issued orders that the claims for medical assistance from the pensioners in respect of ineligible treatments as well as eligible treatments taken in unaccredited institutions, both within the State as well as outside the State, shall also be eligible for sanction of assistance under the Tamil Nadu Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme. The said G.O. was adopted in TANGEDCO vide TANGEDCO Proceedings second read above.

            2. The ceiling limit on the claims from the Pensioners/Family Pensioners is fixed at the rate of 75% of the cost of treatments or Rs.1,00,000/- whichever is less, under the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners' Health Fund Scheme vide (Per) (FB) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.13 and 14 (SB), dated 18.12.2010. The same ceiling limit is applicable on the orders issued in (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.15 (SB), dated 18.12.2010 which provides pensioners to take treatments in the Hospitals within or outside the State. Hence, it has been proposed to cancel the earlier orders issued in (Per) B.P.(FB) No.11 (SB), dated 06.03.2008 and also to incorporate a condition on the maximum ceiling limit, in the TANGEDCO Proceedings fourth read above. The said proposals have been approved by the Board.

            3. Accordingly, the TANGEDCO hereby orders that

(i)        the earlier orders issued in (Per) B.P.(FB) No.11 (SB), dated 06.03.2008, be cancelled;


(ii)        the following sentence may be added at the end of para-4 of (Per) (FB) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.15 (SB), dated 18.12.2010:

"subject to the maximum ceiling limit of Rs.1,00,000/- or 75% of the cost of treatments, whichever is less".

            4. The above orders shall come into effect from the date of issue of these orders.

            5. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.




Pension - Sanction of Family Pension to the eligible Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the deceased Pensioners/Family Pensioners beyond the age of 25 years - Orders issued by the Government - Adoption in TANGEDCO – Orders – Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO PROCEEDINGS No.51                  Dated the 6th September, 2012.
                                                                                                Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2043.

            1. G.O.Ms.No.325, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 28.11.2011.
            2. G.O.Ms.No.165, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 21.05.2012.

            In the Government Order first read above, the Government issued orders, allowing Family Pension to the eligible unmarried/widowed/ divorced daughters of the Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners beyond the age limit of 25 years, after the demise of the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners, subject to fulfillment of certain conditions.

            2. Generally, the orders of the Government in respect of Pension/Pensionary benefits to its Pensioners/Family Pensioners are being made applicable to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO. Further, certain Pensioners' Associations of TANGEDCO have also requested to adopt the said Government Orders in TANGEDCO, so as to extend the aforesaid benefits to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO with effect from the date of issue of the Government Order. The issue has been examined in detail and it has been decided to adopt the said orders in TANGEDCO.

            3. Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that the Family Pension, be allowed to the eligible unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO beyond the age limit of 25 years, after the demise of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:-

(i)         The Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, who are aged above 25 years, are eligible to get the Family Pension till their life time.

(ii)        The Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, who are aged above 25 years, shall be eligible to get the Family Pension till their life time, only if the Children aged below 25 years who are eligible to get Family Pension, complete the age of 25 years; and if no disabled Children exist in the Family.

(iii)       If the said Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters who are aged above 25 years, contract with a marriage/remarriage, the Family Pension shall be stopped immediately. In order to ensure the above, the said Pensioners should furnish a certificate to the Pension Sanctioning Authority to the effect that they have not contracted with marriage/remarriage, every year.

(iv)       The Family Pension to the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters aged above 25 years, shall be sanctioned to the elder/eldest daughter based on her age till her life time. If the elder/eldest daughter contracts with a remarriage or expires, then the next younger daughter shall become eligible to get the Family Pension.

(v)        The monthly income of the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters should not exceed Rs.2,550/- and to this effect, an Income Certificate should be furnished  to the  Pension  Sanctioning Authority every year in this regard.


            4. The Pension Sanctioning Authorities are hereby instructed to obtain the application along with the required documents from the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO. After verification of     the same, the proposal in complete shape, may be forwarded to the Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch for authorization and disbursement of the Family Pension.

            5. The above orders come into effect from 28.11.2011 (i.e.the date of issue of the Government Order read above).

            6. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.


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