New Health Insurance Scheme 2012 - Implementation of the Scheme from 1-7-2012 – Certain Instructions – Issued – Regarding.

                                                                                                               Secretariat Branch,
                                                                                                               144, Anna Salai,
                                                                                                               Chennai – 2.

Memorandum (Permanent)  No.50444/A17/A171/2012-1,   dated   17.7.2012. 

                       Sub:  Medical Aid - New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 for employees of 
                                Government,  Local Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Boards and 
                                State Government Universities, etc. – Implementation of the Scheme from 
                                1-7-2012 – Certain Instructions – Issued – Regarding.

                        Ref:  1)  (Per.) B.P. (Ch) No.89 (SB) dated 21.5.2008.
                                2)  G.O.Ms.No.243, Finance (Salaries) Department, dated 29.06.2012.
                                3)  From Commissioner of Treasuries & Accounts Letter 
                                       Rc.No.17705/2012/NHIS  dated 09.07.2012.
          In the reference second cited, the Government have issued orders, for implementation of the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 through the United India Insurance Company Limited from 01.07.2012 to provide health care assistance to the employees of Government, Local Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Boards and State Government Universities etc. including their eligible family members. 

          2.   As per the orders of the Government, the employees and their eligible family members covered under the scheme shall avail assistance upto the limit of Rupees Four Lakhs in a block period of four years from 01.07.2012 to 30.6.2016 on a CASHLESS model for the approved treatments and surgeries in the hospitals approved by the Insurance company.  As per the orders of the Government, the enrolment of the employees under the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 is  compulsory.  The monthly subscription under the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 is Rs.150/- per month per employee and the same is to be recovered from the employees by the Pay 
Drawing Officers for the month of July 2012 onwards.

            3.  As per the orders of the Government the employees drawing pay in regular time Scales of Pay and Special Time Scales of pay are covered under the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012.   The employees working on  Consolidated pay/Fixed Pay/Honorarium, b) Daily Wages, c) Contract basis,  d) Re-employment are not covered under this scheme.

            4.   For the implementation of the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 following  Instructions have been issued by the Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai:

             i. The insurance Company/Third Party Administrator will provide the data forms generated    
                using the existing data in the prescribed format as in Annexure VII to the respective Pay 
                Drawing Officers of the Organisations covered under the scheme for the employees 
                already having the Identity cards and having Unique Reference Number but not 
               having identity cards and the same will be supply as and when received from the 
               Insurance Company.
            ii. The Pay Drawing Officers shall in turn distribute the above said generated data forms to 
                their employees for furnishing the latest details by the employees.

           iii. Each employee shall furnish the latest details with any addition and deletion with the 
                recent passport size photograph of each family member to be affixed in the prescribed 
                form distributed to them. iv. The Pay Drawing Officers shall collect the  updated forms 
                from their employees.  The updated forms shall be verified, countersigned and a 
               copy of the same shall be maintained by the Pay Drawing Officer before sending it to the
               Insurance Company/Third Party Administrator for issue of new identity cards on or 
               before 31.7.2012.

            v. The Pay Drawing Officer shall provide the blank forms in the Prescribed format as in 
                Annexure VII for the newly recruited or absorbed employees in service and employee 
               who has not furnished the details of the eligible family members and unique reference 
               number not obtained so far.  The filled up forms shall be verified, countersigned and a 
               copy of the same shall be maintained by the Pay Drawing Officer before sending 
               it to the Insurance Company/Third Party Administrator for issue of new Identity cards 
               on or before 31-7-2012.

           vi. The new identity cards will be distributed to the employees through the Pay Drawing
                Officer with due acknowledgement. 

          vii. If the spouse is covered under the term ‘Employee’, the total assistance for the family 
                will be limited to Rupees Four lakh only.  In such cases, the employee’s contribution 
                shall be recovered from only one of the employees as per the option exercised in this 
                regard. (From the younger of the two).  A separate form may be furnished with the 
               details of the spouse in the same format in case of the spouse being employed within 
               anyone of the departments/Organisations covered under the scheme. 

         viii. Instruct all the employees eligible under New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 recent 
                passport size photograph of each Family members readily available with them so as to 
               affix in the prescribed format. 

            5.   All the Pay Drawing Officers shall arrange to recover the employee’s contribution under New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 at Rs.150/- per month from the Salary of July, 2012 onwards.

           6.  During the interim period of preparation and distribution of the New Identity Cards, the Insurance Company / Third Party Administrator shall authorise acceptance of the Identity Cards already issued under the Scheme for 2008-2012 for time being i.e. up to 30.9.2012. Therefore  for taking treatment urgently please contact the Toll Free Helpline No.1800 233 5666  of the United India Insurance Company Limited/Third Party Administrator of Insurance Company.   

          7.  All the Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers are requested to take action on warfooting basis. 

           8.    The receipt of the Memo. should be acknowledged



All Chief Engineers.
All Superintending Engineers.
Copy to
The Chief Engineer/Personnel, Administrative Branch.
The Chief Financial Controller/General, Accounts Branch.
The Chief Financial Controller/Revenue, Accounts Branch.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Board Office Audit Branch /Chennai-2.
The Deputy Secretaries, Board Office Secretariat Branch, Chennai-2.
Under Secretary/Establishment/Board Office Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.
Under Secretary/General/Board Office Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.

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                                                           SECTION OFFICER.

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