தமிழ்நாடு மின் குறைதீர்பாளர்களின் தீர்வுகள் SL.N 01 to 21 /2018

தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களை கைபேசியில் காணஇயலாது கணனியில் பாா்கவும்..

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Sr. NoPetition No.Appeal ByDetails of Case(Click on the Detail to view the order)Order Date Uploaded on
2166 of 2018
ÂU. K. é#auhft‹,
9/1-67,  òè¡fš njh£l«,
fU¥ó® mŠrš,  Xkÿ®
jhYfh, nry« - 636 012.

2063 of 2018
ÂU.  T. btŸisrhä ehlh®,
Dr. T. ešè F¥òrhä M®£°
kz¡fu«ig éšny{,
jŠrhñ® kht£l«- 613 003.

1967 of 2018
ÂU.  ã[h®fh‹,
j/bg yhšfh‹,
Fë¤jiy mŠrš,
fU® kht£l«.

1864 of 2018
M/s Harihar Alloys Private Ltd.,
No.6, Thomas Street
Race Course Road,
Kajamalai, Trichy -20

The Appellant prayed to quash the order of the Honble CGRF in Petition No.1/B of 2017-18.   24.05.201825.05.2018
1757 of 2017
Miss. Sheryle Wilcox,
No.3, First Street, Association Road,Madhavaram,
Chennai – 60.           

167 of 2018
ÂU. bfhsŠÁ,
j/bg Á‹drhä,
£l¡Fo t£l«,
flÿ® kht£l«.       

jhœtG¤j ä‹ghij nkšKiwp£lhsç‹ Å£o‰F ÏilôW  V‰gL« Nœãiy V‰g£ljhš M£nrgid bjçé¤J ä‹FiwÔ®¥ghs® K‹ghf nkšKiwpL brŒJŸsh®.    18.05.201821.05.2018
1562 of 2017
M/s Harihar Alloys Private Ltd.,
1/43, Race Course Road,
Kajamalai, Trichy .

1461 of 2017
M/s Bismi Prawn Farms P Ltd.,
C/o M/s Stephen & Stephen Advocates & Associates,
Chennai – 20.           

1365 of 2017
ÂU. Â. f§fhju‹, Ã.V.Ã.vš.,
tH¡f¿P® ca®ÚÂ k‹w«,
Kfik mYtyf«
46, nejhí rhiy,
<nuhL-638 001.

1260 of 2017
ÂU. fh. khrhd«,
j/bg fU¥igah,
101, bkæ‹ nuhL,
ÂU¥gh¢nr¤Â, ÂU¥òtd«
jhYfh, Átf§if kht£l«.            

Átf§if kht£l ä‹ Ef®nth® FiwÔ®¡F« k‹w«  Ãw¥Ã¤j Mizia u¤J brŒJ nkšKiwp£lhs® më¤JŸs é©z¥g¤ij V‰W mtU¡F Ïytr ä‹ Ïiz¥ò bfhL¡f c¤juél nt©L»wh®.3.5.20187.5.2018
114 of 2018
ÂU. M. r©Kf«,
59, ßisah® nfhéš Å v©.1,
brsçghisa« (m.ã),
nfha«ò¤ö®-641 028.
nkšKiwp£lhs®, ä‹ Ïiz¥ò v©.048-006-1431¡F  bršY« ä‹ ta®fŸ ghJfh¥ò Ïšyhkš ÏU¥gJ r«gªjkhf nfha«ò¤ö® ä‹ g»®khd t£l«/khefu¤Â‹ ä‹ Ef®nth® FiwÔ®¡F« k‹w¤Âš 15.12.2017 ehë£l kDé‰F 50 eh£fŸ M»Í«  vªjéj elto¡if vL¡féšiy v‹W jdJ 29.1.2018 ehë£l nkšKiwp£L kDit ä‹FiwÔ®¥ghs® K‹ò rk®Ã¤JŸsh®. (Withdrawn)25.4.201826.4.2018
1058 of 2017
ÂUkÂ. S. KUnf°tç,
1/125, bkæ‹ nuhL, ÑHo,
Átf§if kht£l«- 630 611.       

956 of 2017
ÂU.  M®. n#hÂghR,
j/bg uhkrhä,                                                        
f%®-639 006.

855 of 2017
M/s.Aarthi Scans Pvt Ltd.,C/o M/s Stephen & Stephen  Advocates & Associates,
Chennai – 600 020.           

768 of 2017
ÂU. S. é#aFkh®,
j/bg A.Átuhk‹,
©lš mŠrš,
<nuhL-638 012.    

kDjhu® mt®fsJ ä‹Ïiz¥ò v©.04-006-014-635, 04-006-014-1224 k‰W« 04-006-014-1225 M»aitfëš  V‰g£LŸs ä‹ f£lz« bjhl®ghf tNš brŒjJ F¿¤J kD më¤JŸsh®.  (Withdrawn)22.2.201823.2.2018
647 of 2017
ÂUkÂ. U. gçksh,
$ K¤JfU¥igah Ãst® äš°,
j£lhu ÅÂ,
fw«g¡Fo jhY¡fh,
òJ¡nfh£il kht£l«
òJ¡nfh£il ä‹g»®khd t£l¤Â‹ ä‹Ef®nth® FiwÔ® k‹w òfh® v©.7/2016-17š PF penalty bjhif %.14,296/- f£l nt©L« v‹W c¤jué£lij  u¤J brŒJ v®kDjhu®fŸ  nkšKiwp£lhsçl« tNè¤JŸs mguhj¤ bjhif %.48,840/-I nkš Kiwp£lhsU¡F ÂU«g tH§f nt©L« v‹W nfhçÍŸsh®.02.02.201805.02.2018
553 of 2017
Thiru. V. Murugan,
Anantham Colony,
7H, V.M. Chatram Road,
Tirunelveli – 627 011.

The appellant prayed that for SC No.07-350-020-171, the billing statement for the entire period from the date of computerization made available in the website and requested compensation for not sending reply to his letter.
454 of 2017
Mr. Sanjay Sarathy,
C/o M/s.Stephen & Stephen Advocates & Associates
Chennai – 600 020.
The appellant Thiru.Sanjay Sarathy of M/s.Hiranandani Palace Gardens Pvt Ltd. has prayed to direct the respondents to exempt the bill pertaining to the petitioner’s LT SC No.557-008-271 for the month of 10/2016 under Tariff VI for getting reconnection29.1.201830.1.2018
352 of 2017
The Managing Director,
SRG Apparels Pvt Ltd.,
No.10-B, Padmavathipuram,
Tiruppur – 641 603.

The Appellant prayed to effect name transfer of HT SC No.537 from Design Process to SRG Apparels Pvt Ltd.11.1.201817.1.2018
251 of 2017
Thiru. J.M. Anzer Raja,
No.3, Avvai Nagar 2nd Street,
Burma Colony, Selaiyur,
Chennai – 600 073.           

1R.P. No.
1 of 2017
ÂUkÂ. M®. Rjh,
j/bg ué¢rªÂu‹,
ÂUtŸSt® ef®,
éuh£oF¥g« nuhL,
éG¥òu« - 605 602. 

ÂUkÂ. M®. Rjh mt®fŸ, mtç‹ nkšKiwp£L kD v©.5/2017-‹ ÛJ flªj 16.5.2017š Ãw¥Ã¤j Mizia Û©L« kW gçÓyid brŒJ nkšKiwp£lhs® ruhrç ä‹ cgnahf« v‹W é¤JŸs bjhif %.23,390/-I jŸSgo brŒa nt©L« v‹W nfhçÍŸsh®.5.1.20189.1.2018

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