தமிழ்நாடு மின் குறைதீர்பாளர்களின் தீர்வுகள் SL.N 22 to 34 /2018

தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களை கைபேசியில் காணஇயலாது கணனியில் பாா்கவும்..

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Sr. NoPetition No.Appeal ByDetails of Case(Click on the Detail to view the order)Order Date Uploaded on
3419 of 2018
Tmty. R. Surya Praba,
1233, Ranga Gounder Street,
Coimbatore 641 001.
The Appellant prayed to bill 213 units as average for the defective connection period (from 14.12.2016 to 12.04.2017) as against  860 units billed by the respondent based on her previous usage and requested  to refund  the excess amount either by cheque (or) by adjusting  in the future bills in respect of her single phase  domestic service connection No.008-007-656.9.7.201810.7.2018
339 of 2018
Dr. K. Sivarajamony,
South Thamaraikulam Post,
Kanyakumari District - 629 701.
The Appellant prayed for free agricultural service connection under SFS as per seniority vide application dated 20.09.2011.  5.7.20189.7.2018
322 of 2018
Thiru. A. Maruthai Veeran,
Vedasandur Tk,
Dindigul – 624 801.

The Appellant prayed to cancel the name transfer effected from Thiru.Palanivel Pillai to Thiru.A. Kannaiah in SC No.229-011-
3115 of 2018
ÂU. P. brªÂšFkh®,
j/bg bgh‹D¢rhä,
òJ¡nfh£il kht£l«

nkšKiwp£lhs® jd¡F brhªjkhd  ä‹dh¤ö® »uhk òy v©.485-11CÏš cŸs ä‹ Ïiz¥ò v©. 125-015-125I jd¡F brhªjkhd  Ãrhd¤ö® »uhk òy v©.76-11C¡F  kh‰¿ju nfhæUªjh®. (Withdrawn)       29.06.20182.7.2018
305 of 2018
ÂU. Å. Ãuò,
j/bg v«. Åuhrhä,
v©.133, uhkrhä fh®l‹,
milah®, br‹id-20.   

nkšKiwp£lhs® jh‹ tÁ¡F« Å£o‹ xU gF¡F ä‹ Ïiz¥ò nfhç nkšKiwpL brŒJŸsh®.  29.06.20182.7.2018
293 of 2018
Tmty. V. Kalavadivelu,
Saint Saveriyar Street,
Thanjavur – 613 005.

2813 of 2018
Tmty. N. Sreelakshmi Kanaka Valli,
Dr. Seethapathi Nagar,
Chennai – 42.

The Appellant prayed for the refund of difference between commercial rates and residential rates for the electricity consumed for the period from August 17 to Feb 2018.25.6.201826.6.2018
2773 of 2017
ÂUkÂ. v‹. tŸëa«khŸ,
f/bg rghgÂ,
ntlrªö® tê, x£l‹r¤Âu« jhY¡fh,
©L¡fš kht£l«.

2669 of 2017
ÂU. V. gHå¢rhä,
nfhit nuhL,

251 of 2018
Thiru. J. Gunasekaran,
Chennai  - 600 092.

2412 of 2018
ÂU. M®. ué¢rªÂu‹,
j/bg uhkrhä,
brŠÁ t£l«, éG¥òu«kht£l«-604 152.

nkšKiwp£lhs® jdJ étrha ä‹ Ïiz¥ò  gÂé‹ ÛJ elto¡if vL¤J ä‹ Ïiz¥ò tH§FFkhW   ä‹FiwÔ®¥ghs® K‹ghf nkšKiwpL brŒJŸsh®.(Withdrawn)   19.6.201820.6.2018
2372 of 2017
ÂU. J. Átfhä,
f/bg D.V. b#aghy‹,
Kf¥ng® »H¡F,

nkšKiwp£lhs® ö¤J¡Fo kht£l«, nfhéšg£o jhYfh, gU¤ÂFs« ä‹ g»®Î r‹dJòJ¡Fo »uhk¤Âš jdJ g£lh ãy¤Âš ÂUkÂ. FUt«khŸ v‹gt® jdJ ãy« v‹W  nghè Mtz§fŸ bfhL¤J   ä‹ f«g§fŸ e£L ä‹Ïiz¥ò bg‰W cŸsjhfΫ ä‹ f«g§fis cldoahf mf‰w¡ nfhçÍ« Kiwæ£LŸsh®.11.06.201813.06.2018
228 of 2018
»ëô® »uhk bghJ k¡fŸ, r_f M®ty®fŸ,
K‹dhŸ khzt®fŸ rh®ghf
ÂU. C. Fknur‹,
j/bg Á‹idah cilah®,
»ëô® mŠrš,  njtnfh£il jhYfh, Átf§if kht£l«.
nkšKiwp£lhs® njtnfh£il t£l«, f‰fs¤ö® F%¥ bgça »ëô® »uhk¤Âš cŸs muR Mu«g bjhl¡f¥gŸë¡F Ëòw« ä‹f«g« x‹W cŸsjhfΫ, Mdhš mªj f«g¤Âš  ä‹ és¡F vJΫ ÏšiybadΫ bjçé¤JŸsh®.  nk‰go f«Ã mWªJ éG« ãiyæš äfΫ mgha ãiyæš cŸsjhfΫ m¥go éGªjhš gŸë¡FHªijfS¡F«  mªj têahf¢ bršY« KÂnah®fŸ, fhšeilfS¡F cæ® ghÂ¥ò V‰gL« v‹W«   M£nrgid bjçé¤J nkšKiwpL brŒJŸsd®.(Withdrawn)06.06.201807.06.2018

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