தமிழ்நாடு மின் குறைதீர்பாளர்களின் தீர்வுகள் ( Ombudsman ) SL.N 45 and 46/2020


Sr. NoPetition No.Appeal ByDetails of Case

(Click on the Detail to view the order)

Order Date Uploaded


4615 of 2020Thiru S. Bageerathan, Chennai

The Appellant prayed to give Agricultural service connection under Tatkal scheme for the survey No. 63/4E and also prayed for name transferring of SC which was registered in his mother’s name.



37 of 2020,

38 of 2020,

39 of 2020,

40 of 2020,

41 of 2020

M/s. Honey Priya Textile Mills, Coimbatore ,

M/s. Padmavathi Textiles, Coimbatore

M/s. Komala Gowri Textiles,Coimbatore ,

Tmty. M. Premselvi,Coimbatore ,

M/s. Vignesh Textiles,Coimbatore


To order an immediate addendum in favour of LT consumers to the arbitrary and discriminatory ‘Memo No. CFC/REV/FC/REV/DFC/AAO/JA/F.ASD Review/D.400/20, dt. 18.07.2020’ issued by the first respondent, or to order the respondents to immediately issue a new memo/order to the same effect.




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